Blog news: November 4th, 2022

The latest chapter of the Ork discussion series will take a bit longer than planned, so instead of leaving you with nothing for this sunday, I decided to write up a little update on what I have been working on the last two weeks. I have several projects in the works, and several of them are nearing the halfway mark of being finished.

Fanfiction adventures

I started a series of Vampire the Masquerade fanfiction, mostly as a writing exercise. It is nice to work on something that already has an established setting. The series follows a number of Malkavian vampires, and gives me an excuse to get experimental with narrative points of view and continuity. The series has two chapters so far and can be found here:

More Landhurst

I have for several years worked on a homebrew dungeons and dragons setting known as Landhurst. This is a Victorian inspired setting, set in the beginning of a magical nation’s industrial revolution. I have recently started to edit the largest adventure I have ever written for the setting, and I hope to be able to start publishing it in chapters next spring. You can find my other Landhurst works here:

Nesferatupunk: Of bits and bites

Because I am completely incapable of working on only two projects at once, I have also started a module set in the Vampire the Masquerade setting. This adventure is set in 1980s Detroit, as a group of Nesferatu tries to set up a new server hub to harness the power of humanity’s latest information invention, the Internet!

Blog related news

I am finishing the latest chapter in my discussion of real life iconography and concepts in Warhammer 40k and it should be done in time for the next blog update. I am also working on a small anthology series of three shorter stories tied together by a single topic.

Kofi and premium updates

Lastly I want to try and get back to writing premium updates for my Kofi blog, there are already quite a few updates there already, so if you like what I write, and don’t mind sending me some money, you can find all of them here:

Final toughts

I am currently reading up on mycology and the power of language in many religious traditions, it is to early to say if this will lead anywhere, but I will keep you all updated, and if you want more updates, follow my twitter here:
Let me know if this was interesting, and if you do I might turn these update posts in to a regular thing! Love to hear from you, regards


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