
Here you will find my various discussion son various historical topics and themes.

Dungeons and Dragons and History Part 4: The Sorceress

Introduction The sorcerer is a wildly varied term, and once that has a number of connotations depending on which context it is used in, much like many of the other classes we have discussed so far in this series. As before will this text focus on comparing the Dungeons and dragons class to elements that…

Dungeons and dragons and history: part 3, the Warlock

Introduction We will in this chapter go back to our series of examining the relationship between Dungeons and Dragons character classes and their ties to real life cultures, myths and practises. This time will we be examining the warlock, an individual that has willingly or unwillingly stricken a deal with a powerful entity, and made…

The scribe: A comparative look at the writing professional

The concept of the professional writer has changed wildly over the years, and are indeed still changing to this day. What this texts is going to focus on specificity is the invention of the printing press in Europe, and what that meant for the world of the written word, both socially, cultural and economically. The…

Food, in mediaeval fantasy and reality.

This chapter will be the first in a series of texts commissioned by the followers of my twitch channel (link in the references). To get your own chapter dedicated to a topic of your choice (within reason), go to my twitch and collect 8,000 channel loyalty points by watching my stream. Introduction This chapter will…

Dungeons and dragons and history: part 1, the Wizard

Introduction The modern myth of the Wizard may be traced back to the renaissance in Europe, but the concept of magic and the men and women that could wield it goes way further back then that. In this series will we discuss some of the classes available in the Tabletop role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons,…