Pop Culture

Here you will find my various discussions and analytical deconstructions of various pop cultural properties. My goal is to share my knowlage about literary criticism, as well as to show that any piece of media, no matter how seemingly banal, can hold deeper meanings to its viewers.

Propaganda and subtle bias

No one is immune to propaganda, and all artistic expression is inherently political. These are two statements to keep in mind, as we approach this year’s eurovision song contest, and examine what choices were made, and which were not. There is much we can learn, simply from the roster of this year’s competition, as well…

Warhammer 40k an in depth analysis: Part 5, The Orks: part 3, Futurism and facism

Modern facism is intrinsically linked with futurism in their love for violence and glorification of warfare. Power and the subjugation of the week are also concepts that both movements share. These are ideals that can be found amongst the Orks.  I will not dive too deeply into either of these movements in this chapter, and…

Warcraft 3 and the otherness of the Horde: Orcs

The archetype of the Orc is perhaps most well known today as the primary foil for the heroes of the series Lord of the Rings as well as many Dungeon and Dragons campaigns. The Orcs, just as the other factions discussed in this series have had a history of being portrayed as villains and monsters,…

Warcraft 3 and the otherness of the Horde: Trolls

Introduction In the previous chapter of this series, did we get a glimpse on what in Anthropology for many years has been known as the “noble savage”. The so-called others that the European explorers encountered, individuals and communities though seen as other, and in many cases lesser, they were still seen as “good”, and in…

Warhammer 40k an in depth analysis: Part 4, The Necrons: part 2, The ancient terrors

Ancient Egypt has for decades inspired modern man with their mystery, and seeming fixation with death and reincarnation. The mystery hieroglyphs and monuments of this long lost civilisation has inspired fantasy, horror sand sciense fiction writer since the early 1800s. In this chapter will we delve in to the origins of these tropes, as well…

Warcraft 3 and the otherness of the Horde: The Tauren

Introduction The image of the Native American “noble savage” has persisted for decades in the public continuousness of the Western world. The image that mostly comes to mind seems to be the red skinned man, dressed in a large feather headdress and speaking “old truths of nature and the spirits”. In this text I aim…

Essay: The immersive world of Morrowind

This text will be my first in a series of essays, more informal texts that are more opinion oriented then my normal research oriented texts. The topic of today’s text is brought to you by Daipanda, a loyal viewer of my twitch stream. If you like to have your own topic suggestion featured on the…

Warcraft 3 and the otherness of the Horde: An introduction

Introduction The concept of othering an individual, or more often a group, is a way of building one’s own identity. By defining what the other is, the individual defines what they are not. In this chapter we will take a look at how the otherness of the Horde faction in Warcraft 3 is used to…

Dungeons and Dragons and History Part 4: The Sorceress

Introduction The sorcerer is a wildly varied term, and once that has a number of connotations depending on which context it is used in, much like many of the other classes we have discussed so far in this series. As before will this text focus on comparing the Dungeons and dragons class to elements that…

Dungeons and dragons and history: part 3, the Warlock

Introduction We will in this chapter go back to our series of examining the relationship between Dungeons and Dragons character classes and their ties to real life cultures, myths and practises. This time will we be examining the warlock, an individual that has willingly or unwillingly stricken a deal with a powerful entity, and made…

The use of hallways in Fiction

The hallway has been used as a number of symbolic objects in fiction, from doorways to other worlds, to extensions of characters mood and emotions.  I will in this essay present three genres of fiction, and their use of hallways in wildly different ways. Namely will we examine fantasy, science fiction and horror, and their…

Food, in mediaeval fantasy and reality.

This chapter will be the first in a series of texts commissioned by the followers of my twitch channel (link in the references). To get your own chapter dedicated to a topic of your choice (within reason), go to my twitch and collect 8,000 channel loyalty points by watching my stream. Introduction This chapter will…

The art of the bootleg: An aesthetic analysis of copyright infringement.

Introduction We will in this post take a look at the consent of the Bootleg. Specificity will we look at the bootleg products created after the image of pop culture. The definition of bootleg we will use is the following: any material or content created for consumption by the public, without the knowlage and/or approval…

Undertale: an example of multileveld textuality.

Warning: This text do contain several major spoilers for the game Undertale. We will in this examine the games narrative in its entirety. As a result we ask you to only read this paper if you have already consumed the medium in question, or don’t mind being spoiled on key parts of its narrative. Introduction…

Dungeons and dragons and history: part 1, the Wizard

Introduction The modern myth of the Wizard may be traced back to the renaissance in Europe, but the concept of magic and the men and women that could wield it goes way further back then that. In this series will we discuss some of the classes available in the Tabletop role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons,…

Warhammer 40k an in depth analysis: Part 1, IoM, part 5, The Astra Militarum

The wars of the Imperium is presented to be fought on a galactic scale, the size of the war machine to large for a single person to understand even less comprehend. Each life is presented as a mere statistic, each death a decimal point in the eternal bureaucratic machine. Most die unnamed and unremembered. (Hill.…

Warhammer 40k an in depth analysis: Part 1, IoM, part 2, A Gothic future

In this chapter we will primary discuss the architecture of buildings, starships as well as war machines, and how they help to set a certain tone within the narrative, but first of all I would like to draw a parallel between the term Gothic, and the term for the two common human languages of the…

Warhammer 40k an in depth analysis: Introduction

This series will consist of an in-depth analysis of the major concepts, factions and themes that can be found within the Warhammer 40k franchise, created by Games Workshop UK. We will start with analysing each faction, theme and narrative individually. Later we will compare and contrast these different parts against each other, as well as…

Canon: an introduction

This article will serve as an introductory look into the term canon, and how we will use it in the rest of this blog. The term canon is most commonly used to group a series of works together. Usually you discuss  one or two connections. The first is a real world, or para-textual connection such…

The game: a definition

Several definitions of games exist within and without the academic world. With this text I will make the case for one of them. This definition goes as follows, “each game must have an implicit or explicit player” Furthermore we will define the player as “Someone with implicit or explicit control over the actions in a…

Pop culture analysis: an introduction

This series will be dedicated to a critical discussion about popular culture. This is made in a hope of deepening the discussion about pop culture and hopefully putting these texts in a broader context. I believe that we can learn much about culture and history from the types of media we consume. In this introduction…