Warhammer 40k an in depth analysis: Part 3, The Eldar: part 4, Dark Eldar, The dying shadow.


The dark reflection of the once proud Eldar empire, and the second to escape its rotting core. The represents the full indulgence of the dark and hedonistic sides of the Eldar. Living in an unimaginably large fortress city located somewhere in the vast web-way, the Dark Eldar constantly raid the galaxy for new slaves and resources, seemingly safe from any reprisal or attack.

The dark once

the first thing we will discuss in this chapter will be the Dark Eldar themselves. The Dark Eldar is in many ways described as the polar opposite of the Craftworld Eldar. This dichotomy is, as I have mentioned before, is far from exclusive to the Eldars in the Warhammer narrative?

In the case of the Dark Eldar, this differentiation comes in the form of completely and utterly oneself to the pursuit of selfish pleasures and hedonistic violence. This would be to the contrast to the Craftworld Eldars rigid and ordered lifestyle.

A slow death

The Dark Eldar did manage to escape from the initial devouring at the site of Slaanesh birth, seemingly safe within their grand Webway cities. Instead of a fast death, was the Dark Eldar instead subjugated by a much more slow and painful one, as their souls are described to be slowly and painfully being dragged in the warp by “She who thirsts”. (Games Workshop 2014)

This will slowly and painfully age the Dark Eldar, and eventually kill them, if they are not able to find a way to replenish their strength. The theme of the darker elements of the Eldar race being physically corrupted in some ways is also one that can be found in many fantasy narratives. The Orcs in Tolkien’s series is described as tortured and malformed Elves, taking the “purest” of creatures and turning them in to the most base and primal. The Dark Elves in the Elder Scrolls series can also be described in a similar tough a lot less extreme way. The Dunmer, or Dark Elves has had their skin turn grey from the volcanic grey from the lands they inhabit, and their eyes have turned jet black or blood red. (Games Workshop 2014)

Source: https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Drukhari

Feeders of pain

The Dark Eldar has managed to find one thing that will hold Slaanesh at bay, and replenish their shrivelling bodies and souls, this substance is pain. More specificity intense pain, fear and agony, by psychically absorbing the suffering of others are the Dark Eldar able to replenish their rotting bodies and keep Slaanesh at bay, if only for a short while. The more painful and honorific cruel the torture, the more nourishing will the screams of psychic pain be to the Eldar. (Games Workshop 2014)

The Dark Eldar is able to use this ability to keep their bodies young and healthy, but seemingly not their souls, as they are described as being a horrifying rotting mess of stitched together body-parts, if viewed by one with mental abilities. (Games Workshop 2014)

The concept of the Dark Eldar feeding on pain is one that is echoed in the Warhammer Fantasy Dark Elves. They to keep themselves young and powerful with the use of the suffering, in this the case the blood, of their enemies. (Games Workshop 2014)

Dark Eldar and Slaanesh

Feeling her constant grasp on their necks is it not strange that the Dark Eldar might fear She who thirsts most of all. To this end have they banned any use of psychic powers by any inhabitant of their realm, as doing so would bring the interest of Slaanesh themself. (Games Workshop 2014)

Many of the oldest members of the dark Eldar race had a direct hand in the Eldar Empires downfall, and even tough they are spared from the more direct annihilation, might they simply have traded it for a longer and more painful one. (Games Workshop 2014)

A city of nightmares

The city of Commorragh is the home of the Dark Eldar, huge beyond imagining, and twice as cruel. The city works as a good parallel to the Dark Eldar civilisation as a whole, and also one of few places in the 40k narrative that we have such distinct and details and descriptions, sometimes to specific areas of the city. Considering the nature of its inhabitants, and the similarities in its names, it is very possible that the city is at part, a reference to the Biblical city Gomorrah, one of the two cities that was destroyed by god due to their extremely sinful ways. (Games Workshop 2014)

Source: https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Commorragh

Architecture of madness

The geometry and shape of Commorragh is one that exists without the grasp of mortal understanding, and trying to examine it to deeply will only lead to madness. The Webway exists, partly in and around the Warp, and is as a result free from the laws of physics found in the Materium. This means that the city was free to grow outwards in every direction, including in and around itself. The city can be described as a series of satellite realms, tiny bubbles in the huge roaring sea of the Warp. Tied with portal and gateways, can these realms be travelled to in the matter of seconds, while they in real space would take many light years to reach. (Games Workshop 2014)

The unimaginably large size, as well as the contradictory and otherworldly geometrical build-up Commorragh follows the themes of scale as well as a focus on the maddening and otherworldly to create a sense of existential dread and cosmic horror. (Games Workshop 2014)

The spectacle of suffering

The main power of the Dark Eldar economy is, without a shadow of a doubt, the pain and suffering of others. The city has many ways of providing the grotesque spectacle to any Eldar with enough capital or clout. The most common form that the average citizen are myriad of gladiatorial games and public slave executions that are held at the vast number of arenas and cities trough the city.

Dark Eldar Gladiators
Source: https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Commorragh

These venues allows the richer Eldar to be able to soak in some suffering, and spectacle, at a relatively safe distance. This is not to say that most any Dark Eldar would be above getting their hands dirty, as acts of terrorism, civil war, murder and wanton destruction are some of the most common pastimes in Commorragh.

Layers of power

The Dark Eldar culture is strictly hierarchical and complex in its levels of organization. While the system is incredibly violent and cut-throat, is it also absolutely fair. Anyone can rise to power, regardless of how lowly they started, as long as they are strong, smart and ruthless enough. No once part in the hierarchy is secure, and everyone is fair game to overthrow. (Games Workshop 2014)

The Kabals

The current ruling system of the city. The Kabals present ample opportunity for employment for al that have proven themselves to be skilled and ruthless enough. To be a part of a Kabal grants one of the most sought after luxuries available in Commorragh, protection and a small ounce of security. To attack one member of a Kabal, is to wage war on them al, and the revenge if often swift, painful and completely without remorse. (Games Workshop 2014)

Wytch cults

The gladiators and performers of the various venues throughout the grand city. Here Dark Eldar fight each other as well as strange beasts from across the Materium and the Imaterium for the amusements of the citizens of Commorragh. The term wytch is taken, unsurprisingly from the English word witch. In this context is the witches, and the witch cults, another references to the Warhammer Fantasy Dark Elves: The witch cults of the Dark Elves are responsible for the numerous sacrifices to their dark go Kain, as well as keeping the more prestiges and powerful of their ranks young and beautiful. This is a topic we will cover in much greater detail in the future. (Games Workshop 2014)

Haemonculus covens

The secretive cults of the homunculi are responsible for some of the worst atrocities enacted by the city of Commorragh. These individuals specialise in extracting as much pain as possible from their victims, as well as creating horrid monstrosities of death and suffering. (Games Workshop 2014)

DE Haemonculus
Source: https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Haemonculi

The most favoured test subject of the Haemonculi is not seldom, themselves. They are more often then not genetic and mechanical modified beyond recognition, becoming something al together different then their fellow brethren. (Games Workshop 2014)

The term haemonculus, bears a striking similarity to the term Homunculus. A homunculus in the context of western alchemy refers to an individual created partly by the means of magical science. A common trope in fantasy and science fiction, as well as other contemporary media. A homunculus in Dungeons and Dragons is a servant to an alchemist, (Wizards of the Coast 2014) created by his talents, and several sub plots in the manga Full Metal Alchemist centred around the creation and destruction of homunculi. It is interesting to note that in al these contexts is the terms referring to the creation, while the Warhammer term referrers to a creator, tough it can be argued that the haemonculus can be seen as both. The term haemonculus, as well as referring to their trade to alchemy, once again draws a clear line between the Eldar, and a concept of the mystical or occult. (Games Workshop 2014)

Mercenaries and Xenos

There are many more then simply Eldar that lives in Commorragh, for the town is described as a haven for the depraved, desperate and outcast. Several xeno races can be found in the slums surrounding the great cities spires. Here they live a life of urban warfare and constant strife, waging war for the lucrative contracts of the Kabals. (Games Workshop 2014)

Many of the great Kabals hires mercenaries to do their dirty work for them. The inclusion of these cities and towns of alien mercenaries gives the Dark Eldar another interesting point of contention with their Craftworld counterparts. The Craftworld Eldar loathe to deal with “lesser species”, and would never. (Games Workshop 2014)


The most numerous inhabitants of the dreaded city of Commorragh are the slaves gathered in the numerous raids of the Dark Eldar. These slaves are used in everything from factory work, to the creation of morbid art. Most importantly are they used to sustain the youth and power of the Dark Eldar. These slaves are kept without chains or cells, for escaping their compounds would only mean a more painful demise elsewhere. (Games Workshop 2014)

Pain and slaves

The Dark Eldar goes to war for two things, to collect slaves, and to cause suffering, and they have grown incredibly proficient in both. Like the other members of their species does they Dark Eldar rely on speed and skill to win their fights, relying on fear and shock tactics to take their pray by surprise. These similarities would make it highly difficult for an enemy to be sure what kind of Eldar they are being attacked by, and it is described in the Eldar Codexes, that most humans see no distinction at al between the separate factions. (Games Workshop 2014)

Due to the fact that the Dark Eldar destains and distrust psychic powers in al their forms, are their forces made to rely fully on their martial skills. This has lead them to become brutal and efficient combatants, both at range and in close combat. (Games Workshop 2014)

Raiders from the void

Only the most skilled and favoured of the many fighters and murderers of Commorragh are picked for the raids in to real spaces. The raiding fleets are manned by a kabals most skilled and seasoned troops. One again does the Dark Eladar work as a dark Shadow to their Craftwold cousins. Where the craftworld Eldar see it as their duty to protect their home and loved once, does the citizens of Commorragh consider it a privilege to get a chance to torture and enslave the foes of their fair city, using their bare hands. (Games Workshop 2014)

Machines of suffering

Like much else of the Dark Eldar war machinery, are they first and foremost created to induce fear and hopelessness in their foes, sometimes seemingly forgoing practicality in favour of spectacle. With that said is the machinery equally, if not even more deadly then those of their Craftworld counterparts. (Games Workshop 2014)

Some of these machines are manned and maintained by the same Kabals that lead the raids, others are taken in from allied Haumunculi covens and Wytch rings. The machines of the Haumunculi in particular is the stuff of nightmares. (Games Workshop 2014)

Performers of torment

Like the harlequins, and the Craftworld Edlar, do their darker cousins see warfare partly as a form of art. The Dark Eldars performances is not a show of mastery of skill and the beauty of perfecting a strategy, but rather sheer spectacle. Their goal is to create as much as pain and suffering in as many of their victims as possible, before escaping with large quantities of slaves and loot. By waging war in this way, can the combating Eldar feed on the essence of their fallen foes, and grow stronger from it. (Games Workshop 2014)

No other troops in the Dark Eldar army represents this doctrine better then the gladiators of the Wytch cults. Well practised in the art form entertaining jaded Dark Eldar nobles with strange new forms of cruelty, are they more then suited to work their same skills on the battlefield, sowing fear and pain wherever they go. (Games Workshop 2014)


As mentioned already in the introduction is the Dark Eldar the darker and repressed side of the Eldar species. They represent hedonism, debauchery and shameless indulgence. At the same time do they also represent a society of absolute fairness, no one is safe, and everyone is a fair target. Anyone, at least as long as they are Eldar, can rise to the top of the food chain, as long as they are clever and underhanded enough to do so.

Next chapter will be dedicated to the wood elf allegory in the 40k world. I will take this time to introduce you to the study of nature in literature, and how a work describe nature, can tell us a lot about the work, as well as the context in which it was written.


Tolkien, J.R.R. (1968). The lord of the rings. 1, The fellowship of the ring. (2. ed. 3. imp.) London: Allen & Unwin.

Wizards of the Coast (2014). Dungeons & dragons Player’s handbook. Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast LLC.

The elder scrolls V Skyrim. (Special edition). (2016). [Rockville, Md]: Bethesda.

Warhammer Armies High Elves ( 8th Edition), Games Workshop, 2017

Codex: Craftworld Eldar (7th Edition), Games Workshop, 2015 (1)

Codex: Harelquin Eldar (7th Edition), Games Workshop, 2015 (2)

Codex: Dark Eldar (7th Edition), Games Workshop, 2014

Kelly,P. Troke, A .Codex: Eldar (6th Edition), 2012

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